Content Education
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Looking to learn more? My free articles, webinars, and resource links can boost your training, or help your management team understand the strategy behind content marketing. Sign up to receive weekly emails with the latest insights into content marketing and strategy.
Need a speaker for your group? I give talks regularly about writing and content, for both large and small gatherings. From university guest lecturer to writing-conference speaker to workshop leader, I can share colorful examples and best practices with your group. Remind me to tell you about the time I raced motorcycles against a bunch of 20-something hotrodder guys. Or uncovered a stack of Spanish silver coins at the bottom of the Caribbean ocean. Because journalism is pretty much the world’s most fun job.
Not sure what "content strategy" is? If you need a quick overview on the concept, or an update on how far content marketing has come in the past year, this webinar is for you. Content 5 Strategy will outline the five pillars of content marketing, and how each works together to build an inbound-marketing powerhouse. Sign up today!
Want to keep up with newsy trends in content marketing? Sign up for my blog and you'll receive a short email each time a blog post goes live. I promise I won't spam - I'm far too busy to blog more than once every few weeks. But each post is a quick breakdown of a fresh idea, a new tip, or a successful case study. Sign up now!